(Edit: 2023-12-10)
We attended an intergroup academic exchange session held by Dr. Xiangcheng Mi who is working at the Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences. We introduced our recent studies and discussed the potential cooperation.

Miss. Shuo Yang (杨烁) won the first place award in the Asia-Pacific Young Scientists Association (AYSA) Three Minute Thesis Virtual Competition. Congratulations!

As a member of the badminton team of Forestry College, I joined the BFU Faculty badminton competition. Although we eventually lost, the amazing activity gave us a lot of fun.

Beautiful photos in the street of Ginko on the BFU campus. Have a good life.

We invited Dr. Wen Jia (荚文) and Dr. Cangjiao Wang (王藏姣) from the Institute of Forest Resource Information Techniques in the Chinese Academy of Forestry to make presentations about “BRDF correction of hyperspectral data and forestry applications” and “accuracy evaluation of GEDI products (height and biomass) and new improvements of the products”, respectively.

Invited by a session organizer (Dr. Wenxia Dai and Dr. Ningning Zhu), I attended the 7th Chinese Conference of LiDAR remote sensing in Jiaozuo (焦作), Henan Province, China, and made a oral presentation titled “LiDAR can reduce the inference of macro stand structure on biophysical variable retrieval from optical passive remote sensing imagery”.

I attended the Beijing Youth Academic Speech Competition with the title “Seeing Forests by Sharp Eyes”(“看透”森林的“火眼金睛”). Despite the unsatisfactory score, I enjoyed the experience and made a few friends from other disciplines.

It’s my first time attending the SilviLaser 2023 conference (London, UK). Pretty excited. I made an oral presentation about how to retrieve forest understory gap fraction using an energy dimidiate model from airborne waveform LiDAR. I also had short talks with several well-known scientists. Many talks are very impressive. Besides, I have visited the UCL main campus and departments where Charles Darwin lived for several years.

I had a short stay in Inner Mongolia during a conference about plant insect and disease monitoring by remote sensing. Together with my family, we visited the desert scene, grassland, yellow river, museum, and countryside. What an amazing trip!

Invited by Prof. Jianbo Qi, I made an oral presentation about the merit of 3D RTM in close-range remote sensing of forests in the seminar of LESS model training course 2023 in Beijing.

We organized a training class for the incoming graduate students in Huang LAB to improve their knowledge and skills in quantitative remote sensing.

As one of the responsible teachers for forestry practice in Xinyang, Henan, I scanned multiple forest plots using handheld LiDAR and collected UAV photos using DJI Phantom 3 4K. We also took many very interesting multispectral images for students. The following pictures show the comparison between RGB (R-G-B) and CIR (NIR-R-G) color composite. Very funny about their clothes, LOL.

Evaluated by the tutor selection committee, I begin to serve as a Master’s supervisor since July 2023.

Mr. Pengfei GUO finished his three-year travel at BFU and was awarded a Master degree. Congratulations. Good luck for his future.

Our group attended the Quantitative remote sensing forum VI (第六届全国定量遥感学术论坛) held in Chengdu, China. I made two oral presentations including “Plant-level leaf area density and leaf chlorophyll content retrieval from UAV imagery using 3D radiative transfer model and adjacency constraint” and “Retrieving forest understory gap fraction using an energy dimidiate model from airborne full-waveform LiDAR”.

We took a group photo for our mini team (one Ph.D. student and four Master students) in the Forestry building on the BFU campus.

I was listed on the Young Editor Board of Plant Phenomics (IF = 5.706, Q1) for one year.

As one of the instructors of the “forest mensuration” course (leading instructor: Lushuang Gao (高露双)), I taught the undergraduate students to scan forest plots using a portal LiDAR with the assistance of Mr. Shiyou Yu and Miss. Shuo Yang (two graduate students) in the Jiufeng forest farm in Beijing. They eventually obtained 3D LiDAR point clouds of five forest plots.

The BFU staff sports competition (2023 spring) was held on 21st April. I attended several competition items (like tug of war, stretcher carrying, walk like a caterpillar) together with many other colleagues of the College of Forestry. Very funny and very happy!

Prof. Guijun Yang (杨贵军), a well-known scientist awarded Changjiang Distinguished Professorship, from the National engineering research center for information technology in Agriculture (Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences), invited me to make an offline presentation about UAV quantitative remote sensing in the agri-forestry application.

Prof. Wei Chen (陈伟) from China University of Mining & Technology, Beijing invited me to make an offline presentation about centimetric-resolution UAV remote sensing for estimating canopy-level and plant-level structural and physiological vegetation variables.
We invited Prof. Ronghai Hu (胡容海) from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences to make a presentation about clumping effect correction for improving leaf area index estimation.

A review article titled “Review of ground and aerial methods for vegetation cover fraction (fCover) and related quantities estimation: definitions, advances, challenges, and future perspectives” has been accepted by the ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.

We invited Dr. Dong Li (李栋) from Nanjing Agriculture University to make an online presentation about hyperspectral-based retrieval of leaf-scale nitrogen and chlorophyll content.

We invited Dr. Hao Yang (杨浩) from the National engineering research center for information technology in Agriculture (Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences) to make a presentation about remote sensing applications in orchards.

Our first Chinese journal article titled “Remote sensing recognition of pine wilt disease in Pinus massoniana forest combined with microwave and optical time-series data (联合微波与光学时间序列数据的马尾松林松材线虫病遥感识别)” was accepted by JOURNAL OF BEIJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY (北京林业大学学报). This work was mainly conducted by Miss. Tong Tong who graduated in the middle of 2022.
I attended a “Beer-Lambert law” seminar held by Prof. Guangjian Yan and made a comprehensive presentation about the history, derivation, explantation, and applications in vegetation remote sensing of Beer law.